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Find The Importance of Leading a Healthy Life From Today

Find The Importance of Leading a Healthy Life From Today Index of contents: 1. Your mood and state of mind will improve 2. A healthy life means better health 3. Your fitness will be better 4. Stronger bones and joints 5. You will develop your brain better 6. Feeling of youth      We always hear from peoples that good habits are important to have a " healthy life ", but many of us do not know the real meaning of Healthy Life. In some cases, we translate it as: change your diet to lose weight and reduce health risks. This happens, in most cases, due to the lack of a culture of prevention. Therefore, in this post we will tell you about the benefits and the importance of having a healthy lifestyle to avoid health problems.  1. Your mood and state of mind will improve When you feel relaxed, you play all the sports and eat healthy food; your body just feels good about itself. For example, when you exercise, your body produces endorphins, the hormone that produces

Quick And Easy Exercises That You Can Do In No Time

Quick And Easy Exercises That You Can Do In No Time

A regular exercise routine is essential to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of suffering from diseases, such as cancer or obesity. Likewise, it is advisable to do exercises in summer to stay healthy and energized on a day-to-day basis.

It is common to face a great inconvenience in these times: the lack of free time to go to a gym. However, you can take about 30 minutes to do some easy-to-apply exercises at home that don't take long to generate results.

Next, I recommended a series of exercises that you can put into practice to work different areas of your body this summer. The best thing about this is that you will not need to buy expensive equipment, just your desire to exercise and maintain a healthy and toned figure.

1. Jumping Jacks

Considered an effective exercise to burn fat, this cardiovascular activity is very simple to perform. You just have to stand with your back straight and jump, opening your legs and arms until they meet them with your palms in a repetitive way, like forming the image of a star.

I recommend doing 5 sets of 15 repetitions. For each set, rest 15 seconds. In this way, you will be strengthening your abs, legs, arms and back, but, above all, you will improve your cardiovascular function.

2. Squats

This is less strenuous work, but it requires strength in the legs. Squats are push-ups on the knees and are the most effective exercise for training the legs, abs, and glutes. They are not harmful to the knees; on the contrary, they can strengthen them; it also strengthens the ligaments and tendons of the legs and hips.

With your arms extended forward or to the side, bend your knees until your thighs are almost 90 degrees to the ground. It is important to keep your back straight, look straight ahead, and contract your abdomen. Three daily sets of 15 to 20 repetitions will allow you to quickly visualize results.

3. Biceps And Shoulders

To carry out this exercise routine it is not necessary to have weights or elastic bands, since a bottle with sand or bags of rice can help you. These are strength and endurance work that will help you strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility.

To strengthen your biceps, grasp a weighted object with one hand (the sand bottle may be a good option). Standing with your back straight, extend your arm downward and, in a single movement, raise your hand, bending your elbow. Do the same movement about 20 times with each arm. Three sets will be enough.

To work your shoulders, start from the same position as above. With the same object in hand and arms outstretched, raise them forward until they are at shoulder height. This movement alternates with another lateral movement in which the arms are placed to the side and are raised to the height of the shoulders. Do 2-3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise.

4. Leg Raises

It is a particularly effective exercise for training and toning the abdominal muscles, as well as the obliques and quadriceps. The difficulty is in being able to raise the legs completely straight.

In the starting position, lying on your back, lift your legs straight up until they are upright at a 90-degree angle. Then lower your legs in a controlled way to the ground without bending them. Place your arms parallel to your body, palms facing down, while your back is in constant contact with the ground.

In this exercise, the force is performed primarily by one muscle: the abdomen. Therefore, they are among the most effective exercises to achieve a flat abdomen. It is recommended to perform two sets of 30 repetitions.

5. Hip Raise

Just as important as exercising the body is exercising the pelvic floor. Although it may not seem like it, over time these muscles weaken and lose their ability to contract and stretch.

Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet flat on the floor, and your arms stretched out to your sides. Begin by elevating your hips for 15 seconds to activate the pelvic floor. Make sure the exercise targets these muscles and not the abdomen or buttocks. If this exercise is very easy, you can add some difficulty by placing a little weight on your hips.

This is a very frequent position in yoga, a highly recommended practice for a comprehensive strengthening of the pelvic area. For this exercise, do 3 sets of 15 reps.

With these five easy-to-do exercises, you can work out in the summer without expensive extra gear. You only require the weight of your body, will and, above all, persistence. However, as you progress and build your muscles, you may want to add additional weight for better results.


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